Thank You For Attending The 2022 Virtual Summit.
2022 Disruptive Innovation in Physical Therapist Education Virtual Summit:
“Are We Really Educating PTs to Transform Society?”
hosted on April 8-9, 2022

Summit Description:
The American Physical Therapy Association’s vision for the profession includes (in part) ‘transforming society.’ For decades, there has been robust and ongoing discussion related to excellence in physical therapist education. Conversations around the return on investment (ROI) for education in the profession; post-professional education (residency/fellowship training); workforce issues; diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I); and most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic have escalated and required institutional action to reimagine physical therapist education. This year’s sub-topics included: a deeper dive into DE&I; admissions, curricular, and accreditation decisions that impact the profession’s identity and its ability to meet society's needs; and building a culture of change/change readiness. We discussed questions like: Are we headed in a direction that enables us to really transform society? Are we creating a workforce that can truly meet the urgent needs of society today and in the future? Are we meeting our moral obligation to society as a profession? Are we moving too slow? This virtual summit was intended to stimulate deep conversation and foster action among the invited attendees to address both anticipated and unexpected opportunities for immediate change in physical therapist education to meet society’s most pressing needs. Outcomes of this discussion may result in a call-to-action, a white paper, or some other form of formal or informal dissemination.
Summit Format:
This virtual, online summit occured April 8-9, 2022 (see detailed agenda below). Attendance was limited to 100 invited attendees representing a wide variety of physical therapist education programs from across the country. Over the course of the summit, there was three sub-categories or topics of facilitated conversation. Within each topic, an invited speaker presented a brief (25-30 minute) summary of the concept, highlighting major points, current thinking, and future directions. This was followed by a guided/facilitated group discussion for each of the three topics. Visit our Keynote, Speakers & Topics Summary to view a recording of the keynote speaker or to learn more about the other three topics and view their presentation slides.

Summit Agenda:
Friday, April 8, 2022 (all times Eastern Time Zone):
Welcome from PTLI President, Barbara Tschoepe; Summit Overview & Ground Rules (Greg Hartley); Introduction of Keynote Speaker, Gail Jensen
Open Forum/Q&A with Keynote Speaker
Preview of Tomorrow’s Agenda/Format (Summit Planning Committee)
Saturday, April 9, 2022 (all times Eastern Time Zone):
Group Comments, Reflection, Closing Remarks, and Program Evaluation: Overall commentary, participant reflection, conference themes, calls to action, take home points. Moderator: Mary Blackinton
Recommended Summit Reading
Participants are encouraged to read or review the following articles prior to the Summit. The articles below are available for review in this Google Folder.
Alberti P, Fair M, Skorton DJ.Now Is Our Time to Act: Why Academic Medicine Must Embrace Community Collaboration as Its Fourth MissionAcad Med. 2021 Nov 1;96(11):1503-1506.
Evans DV, Jopson AD, Andrilla CHA, Longenecker RL, Patterson DG.Targeted Medical School Admissions: A Strategic Process for Meeting Our Social Mission. Fam Med 2020 Jun;52(7):474-482.
Humphrey HJ, Levinson D, Nivet MA, Schoenbaum SC. Addressing Harmful Bias and Eliminating Discrimination in Health Professions Learning Environments: An Urgent Challenge. Acad Med. 2020 Dec;95(12S Addressing Harmful Bias and Eliminating Discrimination in Health Professions Learning Environments):S1-S4. 32889924
Humphrey HJ.Addressing Harmful Bias and Eliminating Discrimination in Health Professions Learning Environments. Recommendations from the 2020 Macy Foundation Conference. 9-1-20.
Leslie K, Baker L, Egan-Lee ME, Reeves S. Advancing faculty development in medical education: a systematic review. Acad Med. 2013 Jul;88(7):1038-45.
Matthews ND, Rowley KM, Dusing SC, Krause L, Yamaguchi N, Gordon J. Beyond a Statement of Support: Changing the Culture of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Physical Therapy. Phys Ther. 2021 Dec 1;101(12):pzab212.
Nora LM. Using Accreditation to Transform Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts into Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Systems. Acad Med. 2021 Aug 31. Online ahead of print.
Orban J, Xue C, Raichur S, Misak M, Nobles A, Casimir J, and Batra S.The Scope of Social Mission Content in Health Professions Education Accreditation StandardsAcad Med. 2021 Oct 5. Online ahead of print.
Philibert I, Blouin D.Responsiveness to societal needs in postgraduate medical education: the role of accreditation. BMC Medical Education volume 20, Article number: 309 (2020).
Sklar DP. What Would Excellence in Health Professions Education Mean If It Addressed Our Most Pressing Health Problems? Acad Med. 2019 Jan;94(1):1-3.
Sotto-Santiago S, Poll-Hunter N, Trice T, Buenconsejo-Lum L, Golden S, Howell J,Jacobs N, Lee W, Mason H, Ogunyemi D, Crespo W, Lamba S. A Framework for Developing Antiracist Medical Educators and Practitioner–Scholars. Academic Medicine: January 2022 - Volume 97 - Issue 1 - p 41-47
Naidoo K, Yuhaniak H, Abel Y. An ecological systems approach to exploring facilitators and barriers to success for minority students enrolled in a Doctor of Physical Therapy program. Heal Prof Educ. 2020;6(3):394-405.