4th Annual Geneva R. Johnson Forum on Innovations in Physical Therapy Education
Part I: “Disruptive Innovation in Physical Therapy Education: Why a Shift in Focus is Essential to Add Value to the Emerging Health Care System?”
Shafik Dharamsi, PhD, Dean of the College of Health Sciences and Peter DeWetter Distinguished Professor of Health Sciences at the University of Texas at El Paso – “Disruptive Innovation Health Professions Education as a Determinant of Health.”
Ignite talk #1: Administrator Perspective
Susan Smith, PT, PhD, FNAP, Associate Professor and Dean Emerita of the College of Nursing and Health Professions at Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Ignite talk #2: Faculty Perspective
Cheryl Resnik PT DPT, FNAP, FAPTA, Associate Chair, Associate Professor, University of Southern California
Ignite talk #3: Clinical Educator Perspective
Samantha Zimmerman PT DPT, Clinical Coordinator of Clinical Education, Rehabilitation Team Leader and Supervisor at the Reeves Rehabilitation Center of the University Health System in San Antonio, Texas
Ignite talk #4:
Geneva R. Johnson, PT PhD: Compassion is the Essence of Practice: A Charge to develop compassion in our DPT Graduates.
Barbara A. Tschoepe PT DPT PhD,
Part II: “Disruptive Innovation in Physical Therapy Education: Why a Shift in Focus is Essential to Add Value to the Emerging Health Care System?”
Café Style Table Discussions
Caroline Goulet, PT, PhD