3rd Annual Geneva R. Johnson Forum on Innovations in Physical Therapy Education
Part I: “Formation of a Doctoring Professional: Are we Shying Away from Education that Really Matters in the Lives of our Graduates?”
Emma Stokes, PT, PhD, Deputy Head of the Department of Physiotherapy and a fellow of Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland – “Walk with the Dreamers”
Ignite talk #1: Faculty Perspective
Chris Sebelski, PT, DPT, PhD, OCS, Associate Professor at Saint Louis University
Ignite talk #2: Clinical Educator Perspective
Bob Rowe, PT, DPT, DMT, MHS, FAAOMPT, Executive Director of Brooks Institute of Higher Learning and Director on the APTA Board of Directors
Ignite talk #3: Administrator Perspective
Michael Majsak, PT, EdD, Associate Professor and Department Chair at New York Medical College
Geneva R. Johnson, PT, DPT PhD FAPTA
Barbara A. Tschoepe PT, DPT PhD,
Part II: “Formation of a Doctoring Professional: Are we Shying Away from Education that Really Matters in the Lives of our Graduates?”
Café Style Table Discussions
Caroline Goulet, PT, PhD